Sunday, July 5, 2015

Study Abroad Day 5: La Sagrada Familia and Chilling Out

Just fair warning this post will have TONS of pictures!!!

Today's blog post will start with some photos that I didn't have in time for yesterday's blog:

Cal and Sam with their first sangria of the trip:

Leaving Las Ramblas:

Now for what we did today! We slept in again and then decided to go to La Sagrada Familia. The tickets were sold out until 2:30 so we messed around at the hotel for a while. I finished yesterdays blog post and Cal curled her hair. When we arrived at La Sagrada Familia I was completely awe struck. To say that pictures can't do it justice is an understatement! The church has an aura about it that is unmistakable, I prayed inside and felt the presence of God more deeply than I have in a long time.

Antoni Gaudi was the architect who created the concept of La Sagrada Familia in 1883. The church is still under construction and scheduled to be completed in 2026 or 2028. Gaudi worked on the church for 43 years but dedicated his art and all his energy for God's glory the last 10 years. The fact about Antoni Gaudi that I found most interesting was his death, he always wanted to die like a common person. This desire came true when he was hit by a street car. He had been working so hard he looked dirty with a full beard and went unrecognized to a local hospital. Gaudi died June 10, 1926.  

I'm just going to post the photos we took with some Gaudi quotes above each and hope it will inspire you to come see it for yourself one day.

"there are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature. Therefore, buildings must have no straight lines or sharp corners" ~Antoni Gaudi

"Because originality consists in returning to the origin"~Antoni Gaudi

"Color in certain places has the great value of making the outlines and structural planes seem more energetic." ~Antoni Gaudi

"The amount of light should be just right, not too much, not too little, since having too much or too little light can both cause blindness" ~Antoni Gaudi

After La Sagrada Familia we ate lunch and then came back to the hotel. Cal took a nap and I played around with the computer and phone trying to figure out how to master the samsung. I feel like a grandma googling how to use a smart phone. After a while I realized Cal was out for the night and met up with Sam and Monica for dinner on top of the mall. I didn't get any picture of the evening but I'm ready for bed. Its now 12:20 and officially time to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed the La Sagrada Familia photos and quotes. My explications just couldn't do it justice. Ill end tonight with this photo:
<3 Morg

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