Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Study Abroad Day 26: Welcome to Paradise

We started our day very early with a bus ride to the airport in Rome. We are traveling with a large group so organizing all of us takes a lot of time. We ended up getting to the airport three hours before boarding time, Cal and I rushed to get checked in right away so that we wouldn't have to wait in long lines. We got our bags checked in (under weight I might add, which is almost unimaginable) and headed for security. 

Now lets take a moment to discuss how lacking the security was... We didn't have to take off our shoes or jackets, they didn't make us take electronics out of our bags (but cal and I did anyways out of habit) and we just walked through an old fashioned metal detector. No one checked our boarding pass or passport and they seemed not to care much about security at all. This freaked me out a little bit but it was also nice to go through security so quickly. 

We ended up at the gate two hours before boarding so what else were we to do but walk through the duty free shops. My sandals broke while walking around in Rome so I bought a new pair; we also got some more sunscreen for Greece. I was impressed with our ability to window shop and restrain ourselves from purchasing unnecessary items.

It was time to board so we scanned our boarding passed and loaded a bus that drove us out on the tarmac to our plane. The plane was delayed so we sat for an hour and a half on the tarmac before eventually taking off. Cal just slept most of the way and I looked through magazines and used the what was left of our data on the phone. As we approached Rhodes we got some nice shots of the beach and wind surfers out the window:

We landed got on another bus and headed straight to the Sheraton Rhodes Resort. Im absolutely in love with this hotel and island! The lobby of the hotel is on the 7th floor so that it has amazing ocean views, we got our room promptly and decided to change into swimming suits and head out for some food and maybe a walk on the beach. We grabbed food and a restaurant by one of the pools, it was really good and we also indulged in some tropical drinks:

Then we walked out to the beach. Yet another reason I love this hotel; you simply walk down a private walkway, under the street, and arrive directly at the beach. The walkway is beautiful with vine covered arches and flowers everywhere:

We got to the beach took a few pictures: 

Then we joined some other people from our program in the water. The water is extremely warm and beautiful so we ended up just floating around and talking while the sun set on the horizon. I couldn't convince myself to get out of the water and take pictures but the water was too nice. So here are some pictures a few minutes after peak sunset time:

We headed back inside the hotel, showered, ate some dessert and hit the hay!

Look forward to another post from paradise later today!

<3 Morg

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