Saturday, July 11, 2015

Study Abroad Day 10: School, Laundry and Exhausted Morg

We woke up early had breakfast at the hotel and headed to a local university by bus. Just like normal we had three hours of classes then headed back to the hotel. We really needed to wash our laundry but Cal was feeling really tired. So, I gathered up the laundry and walked five minutes down the street to a local laundry mat. It was a bit intimidating at first because everything was in french. A sweet woman helped me to understand where to put detergent in the machines and that there was a pay station not slots in every machine. I got the laundry going and just chilled out in the laundry mat. After about thirty minutes of being there alone two french-african men walked in and pulled their wet clothes from a machine. They were extremely nice and asked what  was studying and where I was from. We had a 20 minute conversation in broken french and english about life and what they like most about Paris.

After getting back to the hotel I realized how exhausted I was from sleeping 4-6 hours a night for ten days. I decided to stay at the hotel, order room service and go to bed early. Cal went out with Sam and they finally experience Louis Vuitton. I'm sad to have missed a bit of Paris but glad to wake up this morning feeling rejuvenated and ready for a day at Versailles!

The only picture Cal snapped last night (guessing they had more macaroons):

Check back tomorrow to see how we enjoy Versailles.

<3 Morg

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